Wedding Bag Pattern 5 White Beaded Personal Bag C & G Pattern

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    C & G Wedding Personal Beaded Bag Pattern 5

    Knit and bead pattern assists you in creating a Beaded Wedding necklace or a

    Miniature Beaded Wedding Bag,

    Once you have completed this individually crafted and beautifully tailored bag 

    the bag can be used to complement any special occasions,

    Brides to Be make your own special beaded necklace bag,

    Carry your own personal items, 

    Gorgeous Wedding Personalised Bag Completed 6.5cm x 8cm Bridal Accessory

    Do together with your party of friends,

    Enjoy special knitting and beading craft days,

    Make your bridesmaids unique gifts,

    Sold by 

    C & G Miniature Beaded Bag Pattern